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Book Three: Unititled


     “You can’t be serious,” said the woman.
     “I’m absolutely serious,” the man replied. “Julie Hatcher will be the one to save QPID.”
     “You want me to believe that a twelve year old is supposed to be the One.”
     “Well, not yet.” The man tugged at his collar. “Look, you know as well as I do the problems we are facing. And we both know that nobody has had much success in dealing with those problems. She will.”
     “I admit she is quite a good agent…” the woman said thoughtfully.
     “She’s exceptional and she’ll be ready when we need her.” He paused, and then continued on quickly in order to make his point. “But only if I have free rein with her training.”
     The woman’s eyes narrowed. “Are you sure you’re not just trying to put forward your own agenda again?”
     “Look!” The man stood up and pounded a fist on her desk, his face reddening. “You know very well that nobody has given more to this organization than I have. Nobody is more dedicated and determined to do the best job possible. That’s why you put me in this position, remember?” He jabbed his thumb to his chest. “I believe in our present, past and future plans. I’ll do whatever it takes to help this organization and if that means bending a few rules, then so be it!” He sat back down with a grunt.
     She leaned back in her chair and just looked at him. He fought to slow his breathing and rein in his emotions. Just when he thought he couldn’t stand the silence any longer, she reached a hand under her desk. He heard a faint beep followed by a click from the direction of the door.
     “We’re completely soundproofed,” she said quietly. “What I’m about to say will not leave this office.”
     He felt his heart start to pound again. What in the world?
     “I am aware of the problems. But what you don’t know is that it’s worse than anyone has let on.” She took a deep breath. “There is a spy in our organization that I cannot locate.”
     His eyes widened and throat went dry. “A spy?” he croaked.
     She nodded. “For a long time now, I didn’t know of anyone I could trust. You have shown me these last months that you are a dedicated member. But…” She took another large breath. “Surely it’s obvious that I cannot openly support your ‘free rein’ of Julie Hatcher.” She looked at him and it was his turn to nod. “So, do whatever you can. And I’ll do what I can. Unofficially, of course.”
     “Of course,” he said, faintly. He scrambled to his feet as she stood. Then she did something she had never done before. She offered her hand to shake. As he gripped it, he could feel a slight tremor.
     “No one is to know that Julie Hatcher is anything more than an ordinary agent. If she is the One, and I truly hope she is, you must do whatever you can to prepare her.” She released his hand. “We may need her sooner than you think.”
     He opened his mouth to respond but stopped as he heard the beep and click. They were no longer private.
     Instead, he straightened his shoulders, gave a firm nod and left.

No publishing date as of yet for Book Three.